Good Air In

Take a deep breath


Anyone can do a search on the Internet about health and lungs. Specifically, a search about damage from substances people suck into their lungs to get buzzed can reveal how unhealthy it is. Of course, there are also postings from people that advocate getting buzzed. They don't warn about harm from it.

Frankly, we don't think it is necessary to fill this website with information about how unhealthy sucking smoke, vapor, nicotine and other toxic substances into the lungs is bad. Here are some facts for you to consider:

1. It is bad for human health.

2. Anyone who knows it is bad for human health, and persists in the behavior anyway, is engaging in self-injurious behavior. That can also be an issue that needs attention.

3. For anyone who doubts that it is bad for human health, we encourage further study for informed decision making.

4. We invite you to become a member of The Good Air In Club. Remember, the out-of-pocket costs for members: Membership cost: $0.00; Lifetime Membership Fee: $0.00. So, we know you can afford the financial cost of being a member. What are the benefits of being a member of the Good Air In Club™? About the health part, can you afford to not be a member?